Saturday, 28 September 2019

How to choose the right Fixed Wireless Provider?

Locate yourself and check those criteria:
(I am living in Perth-Western Australia, so I use my area is the location)

Find the Perth’s largest and fastest-growing fixed wireless network. You’re going to love the buffering-free life

From address check to install in a matter of days. They’ll guide you through the process to get you online fast and hassle-free.

Perth Powered Internet
A company that believe Perth deserves faster internet, local customer service and a focus on quality. So that’s what you’ll get as part of their family!

What is Fixed Wireless ?

nbn™ Fixed Wireless

An nbn™ Fixed Wireless connection utilises data transmitted over radio signals to connect a premises to the nbn™ broadband access network.

This connection is typically used in circumstances where the distance between premises can be many kilometres. Data travels from a transmission tower located as far as 14 kilometres, to an nbn™ outdoor antenna that has been fitted to the premises by an approved nbn™ installer.

Fixed Wireless connections also require an nbn™ connection box to be installed at the point where the cable from the nbn™ outdoor antenna enters your premises. This device requires power to operate, and can only be installed by an approved nbn™ installer or phone and internet provider.


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